Business incubator

The building will continue to deploy the typical streets’ net of Poble Nou’s neighbourhood, with short and narrow streets where the visual collides against the constructions.
In order to achieve a good level of service for the two projects of the course, a new multipurpose square is proposed. In this space, it will be possible to celebrate all sort of activities related to the neighbourhood that may be undertaken in the future multi-purpose building.
The proposed business incubator is a single building which gives room to a big program under a single construction.
Depending on the future utility of each area, the building is organised in three clearly differentiated sectors. At the first one, situated at the ends, there will be the common areas, such as a bar, an auditorium, some meeting rooms, etc.
 The office and the industrial modules will be at the central part of the edifice. While the former will be located at the perimeter of the construction, the latter will have its place at the very centre of the building with direct access to the inner courtyards. It will have a double height with relation to the others, so that the industrial activities which will take place there can fit in the provided space.
Given the strong differentiation of purposes of the business incubator’s building and its unity, I propose an industrially prefabricated concrete structure that reminds the old industrial character of the neighbourhood, and allows the building to grow up using the same construction system.